Strategies for Investing Before a Market Downturn

How to protect your downside while positioning for the next Great Wealth Transfer

HOSTED BY Dr David Phelps

LIVE at 7pm CST, Tuesday, Nov 9th

As seen in:

What You'll Learn on the Training

Why now is the most dangerous time to invest.
The current "mania phase" of the market and the imminent major correction.
How the Fed and other government entities have been manipulating the current market highs and what happens when it ends.
Historical perspective of investing through up- and down-cycles.
Strategies to preserve your investment capital while still getting predictable returns.
The sanctuary of alternative investments like real estate.
The asset class that continue to perform well during downturns.
The next Great Wealth Transfer – who wins and who loses?

LIVE at 7pm CST, Tuesday, Nov 9th

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