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Recent Publications

January 12, 2024

Benzinga: How Families Can Better Prepare for Economic Uncertainty

As reported, the state of our economy has evolved from “everything’s fine, and there’s no inflation” to “ok, there is inflation, but it’s just transitory,” to “well, yeah, of course, inflation is here, and it’s going to be here for a while,” most Americans are starting to wake up to the fact that we’re already facing a dire economic situation...

January 10, 2024

Newsmax Finance: How Should You Adjust Your Investing Strategy During a Down Economy?

When you turn on the news lately, most commentators will claim either that our economy is doing terrible and we should run to the hills or that our economy is secretly doing awesome and only crazy conspiracy theorists are worried. (Spoiler alert—neither side is getting it right.)...

January 8, 2024

Benzinga: Why the Economy Will Remain Weak for Far Longer Than Anyone Is Admitting

I stopped at a coffee shop a few days ago after returning from a meeting. I got my coffee and quietly sat down at a small table in the back corner. I opened up my laptop to begin digging into the due diligence on a property I was considering as an investment. But before I could get into my stride, my attention was grabbed when I heard a pundit on a national news program, which I won’t name, loudly proclaim that despite the inflation you and I see in everything we buy today, our economy will bounce right back...

December 1, 2023

Newsmax Money: How The U.S. Economy Compares to 1970s Stagflation

The economic environment we're now facing closely resembles the brutal stagflation we faced in the 1970s, which devastated our and the lives of millions of Americans in the process. But before we get into exactly what that is and how it impacts all of us, let’s first unpack how we ended up where we are, economically, today...

November 21, 2023

Benzinga: Why The Economy is Actually Far Worse Than You're Being Told By The So-Called "Experts"

Inflation absolutely skyrocketed in 2021, shortly after the pandemic spending spree and unfortunately, our government seems to be committed to more of the same, so inflation isn't going anywhere anytime soon, and it's probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better...

November 17, 2023

Dentistry Today: The DSO Bubble - Part 3 of 3

The sale of your practice not only marks the end of the significant professional chapter, but also the transition into a period where financial dexterity and the management of the proceeds becomes paramount. What is your plan for utilizing and safeguarding the equity after the sale? How will you replace your income from the practice with investment income post sale? Do you have a plan for shielding that capital from market volatility or a potential crash?

**This article was written with Alastair Macdonald...

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