The Most Important Asset Class

How To Find Deals, And Avoid Getting Burned

You don't have to think outside the box, just realize the box is bigger than you think.

You've heard me talk a lot about relationships. Saying things like “your network is your networth”. This is one of the “in-the-box ideas” that they didn't teach us in school.

It's actually pretty easy, once you see how it works.

Learn how to always have access to good deals, watch the video below.

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Listen to the recording:
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Money is not your most valuable asset.

My friend, Quincy Long, founded Quest IRA on this tenet.

Quincy knows the details and legalities of investment accounts as well as anyone in the country. Just as important, he knows how and where to find good deals and people of integrity to work with.

In our conversation Quincy shares tips and recommendations (also a few warnings) for selecting and using retirement accounts, and other tax-deferred methods for saving and investing.

Check out the discussion.

Some of what you can learn…

  • The importance of due diligence (how to do it right).
  • The mistakes that can blow up your whole IRA.
  • How to shortcut the many years that it took me.
  • The one thing that would have put me further ahead.

Learn how to use tax-free distributions to pay for education, health care and more.

Get complete access to my interview with Quincy Long.

Want to meet Quincy in person? Join me, Quincy and other experts, along with your professional practice colleagues, at the upcoming Strategic Investor Conference. Seating limited.

Watch this short video on the Strategic Investor Conference:

Get more information to register.

To your freedom!
David Phelps, D.D.S
(“Retired” – and loving it!)

P.S. I'm paying for your luxury hotel room, two nights! Price goes up next week. Get the details now:

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