We were spit out of dental school with clinical skills and a prayer. Nobody taught us how to run a business or how to build wealth. Watch this short video about a recent interview I […]
There are 1,001 ways to lose your shirt in real estate. Real estate is one of the best investment options available, yet there are still some minefields out there. Watch this short video about a […]
Many of us were sold a bill of goods. “Just work harder, you’ll be wealthy one day.” You will work yourself to death that way. Watch this short video about a recent interview I did: […]
A quick look at Freedom, and how to create it fast. The Freedom Secret As we know too well, high-income does not equate to freedom. Often, it equates to time shackles. Only wealth gives us […]
Finding and hiring associates can increase your practice revenue and your time freedom… and you don’t have to pull your hair out to do it! Most dentists decide they’d like to run their own practice, […]
Unlocking the money in your practice using proven strategies, while working less, stressing less… and getting paid more. You Might Not Be a Business Owner (yet…) No dentist ever receives business courses in dental school. […]
Non-traditional strategies, how-to’s and tips for responsibly investing in a tax free retirement account. Growing and Living Tax Free Why is this so important? Taxes are going up, up, up. This country has accumulated massive […]