“What you don’t know may hurt you.” We hear this phrase all the time. We are people who like to be “in the know.” We like to learn. We like to be in control…
I have the blessing to work with a lot of professionals in healthcare – usually dentists – and over the years what I find is most struggle with having…
Is your dentist retirement plan actually a lock box? I recently read an article in the Kiplinger Tax Letter; Kiplinger has been in the marketplace for…
Wall Street investments aren’t backed by meaningful collateral. A stock might be worth a fortune one day, and nothing the next. Mutual funds, stocks, bonds… It’s all just paper. 20 years ago, that’s […]
Dave Ramsey is a leading financial educator. To date, he has sold over 10 million book copies, and over 4 million people have graduated from his training: “Financial Peace University”. Dave preaches that debt is […]
“What do I do if I don’t know anything about investments?” The question greeted me in my Facebook private message feed. The sender gave her name, but asked to remain anonymous. (Sadly, investing can be […]
Wall Street investments aren’t backed by meaningful collateral. A stock might be worth a fortune one day, and nothing the next. Mutual funds, stocks, bonds… It’s all just paper. 20 years ago, that’s all I […]