Crisis: Lessons in Leadership

POSTED JUNE 30, 2020

Picture of by Dr David Phelps

by Dr David Phelps

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ife hits us with curveballs: events we didn’t plan for come up out of the blue, causing crises we have to react to. I’ve found that ethics and integrity, doing the right thing, and serving others are great attributes to have – but they aren’t going to keep me from having to deal with changes or crises.

In my six decades, I’ve gone through enough to realize that life is going to be filled with change, and setbacks caused by events we didn’t plan for.

Here’s the key to dealing with them:

“Expect them”

Instead of cowering back, feeling like a victim, getting angry at the world, or wondering why life’s not fair, you have to learn that these crises are opportunities to learn great lessons and build character.

It’s not fun when you’re going through it, but if you surround yourself with a group of people you can trust, they can give you objective advice and perspective. And when they’re also open and vulnerable about their own issues, downfalls, and drawbacks, you’ll realize that no one has it all figured out.

Don’t try to “just get through it” yourself. Otherwise, you’re punishing yourself. We need to look for opportunities to come out on the other side with lessons learned that can help us be the leaders God wants us to be.

It’s hard to be a leader when you’re down in the hole, trying to dig your way out. That’s why you want good people around you who you trust and can give you guidance. I sometimes don’t want to hear the things my good friends and advisers will tell me: David, you need to up the ante here – you really kind of dropped that ball…

But they’re just trying to say:

Hey, if you want to learn a lesson, here’s the opportunity. Will you take it and learn from it?”

You can go forward and share that leadership with those around you. You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to show that you’re willing to step back up to the plate, take another swing, and figure out a new way to do it.

People want to be led by others who acknowledge weaknesses, failures, or mistakes, and put those lessons to good use. That is the mark of a true leader To your freedom!

P.S. - I’m looking for a handful of doctors who want to put this into practice and work with me to replace active income from their practice with passive income within 2-3 years, tops.

If you...

Then schedule a 10-minute call with my assistant Alex by going to: – he will help you assess whether or not you are in a position to achieve your goals in the 2-3 year timeline. If it looks like there is a mutual fit, you’ll have the opportunity to schedule a 30 minute call with me directly. I’ll dig deeper with you and suggest next steps.

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