2025 Catalyst Group
Real Estate Strategies to Reclaim Your Time:
Your Investing “Plan B” for 2025.

4 weeks. 100% virtual. No travel.

Taught by Dr. David Phelps, DDS. Featured in...

Now more than ever - it’s time to create a financial “Plan B”

As we head into 2025, there is a glowing sense of optimism. A new presidency promises to usher in new economic policy, and many investors and business owners are eager to benefit.

However, underneath the optimism, our economy still has troubling long-term trend lines.

The question investors should be asking is: How do I build an investing strategy that protects me from future downturns, while taking advantage of the present opportunities?

I started my "Plan B" investing (real estate) back in 1980 while a D1 in dental school. This was not a plan to get rich quick or see how fast I could exit the dental chair as a practice owner. At the time I just knew that real estate made sense to me. It was an investment class I could understand and control.

43 years and many up cycles and down cycles later, real estate continues to be the bedrock of my investment portfolio that weathers every economic storm.

Join me for the 4-week 2025 Catalyst Group, and learn how to be a successful real estate investor in any economy.

How it will work:

1. On Demand Training

Each week I'll provide recorded training modules for you to watch on your own time.

2. Live Weekly Calls

There will be LIVE coaching calls with me each Monday in January at 8pm CT on Zoom. Our first call will be Monday, January 6th.

3. Private Online Group Access 24/7

You will also have access to a private online group where you can ask questions and engage throughout the course.  

Dates: June 9th - 30th

More of what you'll learn in the Catalyst Group

How to create wealth in up markets and down markets
Why and how to focus on cash flow (vs. accumulation)
Creative ways to passively invest in real estate without buying rental houses
The Capital Stack - Debt vs Equity investments
How to find the best investments - and what to stay away from
Key real estate investing strategies to create more time in your life
Active or Passive? Where is your best time value?
The Anatomy of a Deal
 The best opportunities for creating passive cash flow in today's economy
The differences between funds and syndications and how to evaluate the merits of each
Tax benefits - how to legally reduce taxes with real estate
The Real Estate frameworks that hundreds of Freedom Founders members have used to create cashflow and reduce reliance on practice income.

Dates: June 9th - 30th

Fully participate in the course - 100% risk free.

As dentists, it’s easy to let hesitation and analysis-paralysis prevent us from making key decisions.

I genuinely believe this coaching group will be a key to changing your financial trajectory. 

To make it easy for you, I will even take all the risk. You can participate in the entire 4-week program risk free, and if afterwards you did not find the content immensely valuable, just say the word and I will give you a complete refund. No questions asked.

That’s how confident I am that you’ll mark this as the day your financial future went in a new direction. I know these principles work. All you need to do is take a small first step and allow me to guide you.

What Other Dentists Are Saying About Freedom Founders

Real stories from dentists and doctors just like you...

"David demolishes the outdated 'traditional' approach to life, career, and wealth we've all been taught and offers a robust alternative path to success.”  

Dr Dustin Burleson

Orthodontist, Kansas City

“Our only regret is to wonder… what if we had joined Freedom Founders 10 years earlier - where would we be now?”

Dr Hiru Mathur

Periodontist, Texas

I had been successful but was just churning. I was scared of the stock market. I knew nothing about real estate. Now, seeing passive cash flow ACH’d to my bank account… it’s a good feeling. I know I don’t have to go to work any more.


Dentist, Louisiana

"David's service comes from a place of compassion and authenticity. I can’t even begin to describe the value."

Dr David Maloley

Dentist, Colorado

"Joining Freedom Founders opened my eyes to another pathway… an alternative approach. It has been an incredible experience."

Dr Drew Lasley

Orthodontist, Washington

"Looking at the spreadsheet, I started at the beginning of the year 2022, I realized in the middle of September the income I have from passive investments far exceeds my freedom number. It is a real nice place to be."


Dentist, North Carolina

Reserve your seat to discover how you can create passive income, security, and Freedom through real estate.

Does This Sound Like You?

Desire to use real estate to create wealth and Freedom.
Unsure of your current plan & strategy.
Coachable attitude.
Seeking a proven non-traditional model for a life with choices and options.

Join David for the 4-Week Virtual Coaching Group

Dates: June 9th - 30th

Questions about the group?
Text/Call (972) 203-6960 x141, or
Email alex@freedomfounders.com

Join the Catalyst Group

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Plus receive other email insights and invitations from David several times a week, which you can stop at any time. 🙂



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